Prevention of Chickenpox and Scarlet Fever

Prevention of Chickenpox and Scarlet Fever
As we enter the world post-Covid-19, and nearly two years of not exposing our children to common colds and illnesses, we are seeing an influx of cases when a child inevitably does become ill. Our franchisee has noticed in other nurseries an increase of Chickenpox and, alongside it, some cases of Scarlett fever. 
Please read below to be aware of how to recognize each of it.


This highly contagious virus is very common in early childhood. It usually begins with a slight fever and generally feeling unwell which is followed by red spots appearing. The spots will eventually scab over but will take around 5 days to do so. 

Do (Advice from the NHS) 
  • drink plenty of fluid (try ice lollies if your child is not drinking) to avoid dehydration
  • take paracetamol to help with pain and discomfort
  • cut your child's fingernails and put socks on their hands at night to stop them scratching
  • use cooling creams or gels from a pharmacy
  • speak to a pharmacist about using antihistamine medicine to help itching
  • bathe in cool water and pat the skin dry (do not rub)
  • dress in loose clothes

Don’t (Advice from the NHS) 
  • do not use ibuprofen unless advised to do so by a doctor, as it may cause serious skin infections
  • do not give aspirin to children under 16
  • do not go near new-born babies, people who are pregnant, and people with a weakened immune system, as chickenpox can be dangerous for them
  • do not scratch the spots, as scratching can cause scarring

As the nurseries take children from 6 months old, we would advise keeping your child at home if they present with any symptoms and only return them to the nursery once the spots have scabbed over and they are no longer infectious.

Read more about chickenpox in NHS page

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is a contagious infection, and the symptoms can be similar to some of the symptoms of Chickenpox. The first signs of Scarlet Fever can be flu-like symptoms. A high temperature of over 38 degrees, sore throat, and swollen glands that can show as a lump on the neck are some indicators. A red rash will appear 12-48 hours later. Different from chickenpox, the rash does not appear on the face and is often paired with a white coating on the tongue which peels and leaves a strawberry tongue. If your child has chickenpox and Scarlet fever at the same time please contact your GP. If you or your child have scarlet fever then:

Do (advice from the NHS) 
  • wash your hands often with soap and water
  • use tissues to trap germs from coughs or sneezes
  • bin used tissues as quickly as possible

Don’t (advice from the NHS) 
  • do not share cutlery, cups, towels, clothes, bedding or baths with anyone who has symptoms of scarlet fever

Some of these signs and symptoms can be mistaken as Covid-19. Please do not bring your child in until they either have no symptoms or (after illness) are no longer contagious.

Read more about Scarlet Fever in NHS page

@BananaMoon - 2 years ago


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We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm


Banana Moon Day Nursery, The Lindens, 59 Barrington Road
WA14 1HZ

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